A video covering the process of uploading products to a promotion throught he User Interface can be found below
Depending on the number of products being opted into a promotion, it is possible to add products through the Seller Center User Interface.
Navigate to the promotion you would like to opt into.
Select "Add Products" to begin the process. A full list of eligible products for this promotion is displayed.
To add products, this is done by navigating through the list of products, selecting at least one size of the item, and then clicking the “+ Add all sizes” button.
It is possible to filter for products by:
- SellerSKU
- Product Name
- Category
Once the products have been added to the promotion, they will appear within the applied promotion overview and have Pending status. Full list of statuses below:
Pending - Products are awaiting approval, these approvals will generally occur within the last couple of days before a promotion is due to close.
Rejected - Product did not meet criteria for promotion, generally reserved for curated promotions
Approved - Product has been approved and will be active in promotion once it starts