Promotions Home
Within Seller Center, promotions awaiting action are visible on the Home page. A full list can be found through the view all button or by Selecting Promotions>Promotions by The Iconic
A brief of the promotion details is provided including:
- Registration End
- Promotion Duration
- Discount offered
- Type of promotion
- Ability to Join
Promotions Overview
By selecting Overview in the Promotions tab, you are met with a full list of promotions that have occurred. This page is filterable for date periods and statuses. By default displays all promotions that have been created and ordered from newest to oldest.
Promotions by The Iconic
Any promotions that have been set up by THE ICONIC planning team are displayed under "Promotions by The Iconic"
This page is filterable for date periods and statuses. By default, only ‘Open’ promotions will be displayed. Allowing easy viewing of promotions that may be pending action. More information on the promotion can be viewed by selecting the eye on the relevant promotion.
By Selecting more details and “Join Promotion” will display the promotion details page. This outlines the following:
- Type of promotion
- Price Criteria
- Discount Details
- Eligibility Criteria
In order to add products to the promotion selecting the “Add Products” button will provide a full list of eligible products. Joining promotions can be done through the User interface or in bulk via CSV.