The new Operations reporting function provides sellers with in-depth coverage of how order management is meeting our business metrics. The date range filter allows sellers to focus on set periods of time to review performance.
Metric | Definition |
Average Dispatch Time | Refers to the average business time from orders pending in Seller Center to shipped status. This includes the tracking details being entered in Seller Center and the status is updated to shipped. |
ReadyToShip to Shipped | Refers to the average business time from the orders moving from the ready to ship status to the shipped status. |
Cancellation Rate by Seller |
Refers to the percentage of order items canceled by the Seller vs total order items placed |
Return Rate |
Percentage of items returned from the total of items delivered |
For each of these metrics further detailing is provided below. This includes a column graph to show trends over the filtered period. More granular insights are then provided further below including SKU details, brand, average processing time, and item quantities.