THE ICONIC in-house production service was created with the aim of helping our sellers to get
their products live and up for trading on the website as quickly as possible.
To send a production request, simply follow the following steps:
1. Create your products
- Without imagery (If you wish to add lifestyle imagery to the product this needs to be completed after production is complete)
- Enter 'TBC THE ICONIC' into the content description as a placeholder
2. Export & Complete the Production Sample Sheet
3. Create a booking via Seller Help Desk with the Subject: Production Booking and attach the completed Production Sample Sheet
4. You will receive a booking confirmation email confirming your booking date*
*Please note: Booking confirmations will be allocated to the relevant week (Commencing Monday of that week) these are based off availability of the production teams intake.
Step 1 - Creating your products
All products must be created without images and content in Seller Center prior to placing a Production Booking.
Once SKU’s have been created in Seller Center they will be sent through to THE ICONIC for QC
approval. All products must be approved before continuing with the Production Service booking.
Important points to note:
-Please allow 1 business day for product QC approval.
-All SKU’s must be set as active (switched on) in Seller Center to flow through to QC review.
-All QC rejections must be fixed prior to placing your booking.
Step 2 - Exporting & completing your Production Sample Sheet
Click on the Production Service link
Click on Production Sample Sheet - Eligible Products
Download the XLSX version
Select 'Enable Editing' and add a filter view (Ctrl + Shift + L or select 'Data' and then 'Filter')
Filter by Variation (Column H) – Select the relevant sample size for the category to filter by
Copy and paste your filtered sheet into a new tab
Your Sample Sheet can now be saved as an XLSX and attached to your Production booking
ticket in Seller Helpdesk
Step 3 - Creating a booking via the Seller Help Desk
On the Production Services page, select Request a Production Booking
Add the subject as 'Production Booking - Brand name', attach your completed sample sheet and select submit.
Please include any key relevant information that may impact the booking:
- Any marketing launches associated with products
- If samples are needed to be returned by a certain date
Step 4 - Your booking confirmation
You will receive a booking confirmation that contains the following:
- Delivery address, delivery date window and delivery instructions
- Instructions for how the samples must be labelled on swing tags
- A template to print and stick on the outside of your delivery box/satchel
- Instructions for your carrier to complete the MobileDOCK booking
- You must send your samples on the delivery window communicated. All samples sent
without a booking confirmation, MobileDOCK booking or before the confirmed dates will be returned back to the seller. Shipping fees will be charged accordingly
- For the most up to date shooting timelines please check the noticeboard here
- There is a minimum requirement of 30 SKU’s for Curvy & Maternity bookings. Bookings made for fewer than 30 SKU's will be put on hold until there is capacity is available
- All samples must be labelled with swing tags, NOT on the packaging. Labels must include the style name, SKU code, size & colour. See the below example:
- Information on the swing tags must match how the SKU has been set up in Seller Center, eg. no abbreviating the style name or colour
- If your product is set to active and there is stock allocated, the product will go live once production is completed. If you wish to control the date your products go live, set the stock levels to 0 or set your product to inactive, then allocate stock or activate the product 24 hours before you wish for the product to go live
- Swing tags may be cut away during the shoot, and will not be re-tagged. The swing tags will be returned in the box with your samples
- Samples must be packed neatly in boxes or cartons. In the case where more than 1 carton is delivered, individual cartons should be labelled in ascending order