To process the orders, go to Orders > Manage Orders
This will take you to your Order Overview. The process is to work through 3 sections - Pending, Ready to Ship, and Shipped.
To process your orders in Bulk, there are two first steps:
- Export all your Pending orders
- Download the file (recommended in XLSX)
Once you open the file, all the information needed to process the order is across the columns/rows.
**Copy the Order Number column from that file **
The next two steps involve:
- Go to Bulk Order Update
- Download the Template - Pending Order (Numbers)
You will need to use this file in conjunction with the Order Numbers from your export above.
- Paste the Order Numbers for the day in the column
- The Delivery Type will always bee Dropshipment as you are Marketplace
- Choose the relevant Shipping Provider
- Add the relevant Tracking ID's for the corresponding Order Numbers
Save the file and Import as 'Set to Ready to Ship'. Once uploaded this will move all your orders to the Ready to Ship tab.
Once you have moved your orders to Ready to Ship, you will need to wait until they are taken to the post office or have been collected at the warehouse. Once this has happened, go to the Ready to Ship tab.
To Bulk move them to shipped follow the steps below:
- Use the box to tick all the orders
- Pick 'Set status to shipped' from the drop-down
- Press Go
Once it is moved to shipped, the process is complete.