Grouping allows products of the same style in a different colour variation to appear together on site.
Colour swatches appear below the name of each individual product listing. This allows for upselling.
If more than 3 colour variations are available the product will display 'more colours available' on the landing page.
Two fields will need to be completed to group products
Via the User interface:
1. Back end data > Product Group Relation > Select 'colourway' :
2. Creating a group name:
The Group name should always be populated the same as the name of the product.
When creating a new group in the user interface, you must create a group name in the search bar. This will give the
option to Create a new Group.
Once the group name has been created, the system will confirm it has been added.
Once you start to create product colour variations in the same style, you simply need to search for the group name in the search bar to begin grouping the products together by their colour variations.
Other products linked under the group name will start to populate once there are more than two products saved under that group name. You can also choose to delete groups from this page.
To add/update groups via template import you will need to complete the same fields in the below columns:
1. Productgrouprelation
2. ProductGroup: The Group name should always be populated the same as the name of the product.
Once both group fields have been updated and saved these will be reviewed by our QC team. Updates to product groups will need to be approved via QC before they will reflect on the front end.
Next Step
Once your groups have been set up, move on to the next step in product creation, Pricing and Sizes