Policy |
Details |
Dispatch SLA |
- All orders received prior to cut off time to be shipped within same Business day
- All orders to be shipped within 24 hours regardless of time of order
Delayed Dispatch - $20.00 per order item |
- All order items are to be updated with functional tracking into Seller Center within 24 hours of the order being created in Seller Center.
- At 24 hrs pending, the items will incur a late dispatch fee.
- Should the Seller consecutively track outside of dispatch KPI (95% of orders shipped within KPI) for two or more weeks in a row without confirmed resolution, the account is at risk of deactivation from the website.
- The account will not be reinstated online until satisfactory response is provided and resolution confirmed.
O.4% (Daily and Weekly Order Items) |
Unable To Fulfil - $20.00 per order item |
- A cancelled order fee of $20 per order item exists for items that are cancelled for the reasons ‘Out of Stock’, ‘Delayed Dispatch’ and ‘New Zealand Order’ (if applicable based on contract terms).
- Delayed dispatch cancellation fees are charged for order items that are pending outside of our Dispatch SLA. These items are cancelled by THE ICONIC team.
- Items that are not dispatched within 24-hours and subsequently cancelled will incur both a Late Dispatch Fee and a UTF Fee.
- Should the Seller consecutively track outside of dispatch KPI (0.4% of total order items cancelled) for two or more weeks in a row without confirmed resolution, the account is at risk of deactivation from the website.
- The account will not be reinstated online until satisfactory response is provided and resolution confirmed.
Account Statement SLA |
5 Business Days from Account Statement closing |
Account Statement Disputes |
- Account statement disputes (including returns disputes) must be raised via the Seller Helpdesk within five Business Days of the Account Statement closing.
- Anything raised after this period will not be reviewed.