This article provides an overview of how products can be created in bulk via an excel file in Seller Center, it will cover the following topics:
Retrieving the template
1. Expand catalog > All Products (Products>all products)
- Click import in the top right hand corner
2. Expand 'Download template'
3. Expand the template section you would like to select
4. Select download icon for the template you need
5. The file will begin downloading in the file manager (bottom right) or can be viewed via system > File manager (left hand side tabs)
Important notes about the templates:
- Please ensure a new template is used for each upload as values may change
- Select the correct template for your product type
- Only upload the product type for that template i.e do not try and upload accessories in an apparel template as there are different attributes for each
Completing the template
It is important to complete the template with the relevant information for your products, to ensure that your products meet the relevant requirements please use the below resources to fill out the template
- Product Attributes - this will provide full descriptions of what each attribute means and its place on site.
- Content Briefs - a full breakdown of what is required within product descriptions to be approved on-site.
- Image Briefs - if being uploaded through the template they need to be publicly available HTML links and to the correct image specification (1600x2000, <1.95MB
The template:
Please ensure you are checking the prompts in row 2 when completing the template to guide you through which fields are:
- Mandatory fields
- Syntax (values from a list or text inputs needed)
- The first row will be an example to refer to which you can delete out before upload
SKU fields set up
SkuSupplierConfig - recommend using your style code (inclusive of colour) eg TEST-GREY
Parent SKU - recommend using the SkuSupplierConfig eg TEST-GREY
Seller SKU - these are your SKUs for corresponding size variations. We recommend using parent SKU inclusive of size so it is a unique SKU eg TEST-GREY-S, you can also use barcode or EAN as the Seller SKU.
- Please ensure products are not set up as 1 size per product. To avoid this check that the parent SKUs are assigned correctly when mapping on the template
- Every unique parent SKU = 1 new product
Example apparel product should look like the below:
Incorrect product set up:
- This set up would separate all the size variations into individual products.
*If product is incorrectly set up and created as separate products you will need to follow the steps below:
1.Nominate 1 of the products that you have created (generally the smallest in the size variation) eg Test-ttt-s from the table above
2.Remove / delete the excess products via the user interface or bulk import via csv:
Deleting products in the user interface:
- Select product > 3 dot icon > delete
- Deleting products in bulk:
To delete items in bulk a list of SellerSkus is required and can be uploaded into Seller Center through the below steps
>Prepare a file with the list of SellerSkus (only the SellerSku) column is required. exports can be retrieved following the steps here
>Navigate to Catalog>all products> import> Import Mode: remove product > drag and drop the file > select Import
Note: we recommend saving the removal file as a csv, this will ensure that it loads correctly without formatting issues.
3. Re-create the size variations within your nominated product following the product creation step with the bulk import template.
Correct SKU set up should now look like the below:
*Recommend removing the row in the template of the nominated product that you are adding variations to. Eg in the above example Test-ttt-s, if this is included in the upload Seller Center will error that line as it registers it has already been created but not to worry as it should all the other Seller Skus missing
Uploading your template
In order to upload your file, ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. If you would like one of our team to review the template before it is uploaded, please send it through to the Seller Help Desk and our team can check and ensure that there are no issues with it prior to upload.
- Once ready to upload ensure that the file is saved as a csv.
- Navigate to Products > All products > Import
- Select Import Mode “Create New Products”
- Drag and drop the file into the box OR brose for the relevant file
- Select Import
Import Results
Once the file is imported a result will be provided via the File Manager (System>File Manager). File manager allows you to see all files that have been imported & exported into the seller center shop.
When a file has been processed there a number of outcomes, the table below provides a list of import status and what needs to be done.
Status of Import | Action |
Queued | Import is still waiting to be processed, if stuck in this status for more than 20 minutes please reach out to the seller help desk |
Finished - Green Tick | Completed with no errors, products should be available within Products>all products |
Finished - With warning symbol | Completed but errors present, error report can be downloaded next to warning symbol. Consult error glossary for relevant action that is required. |
Error Glossary
Error | Meaning | Fix |
The description needs to be more than 6 Characters | The description field cannot be blank, if providing dummy information it will need to be greater than 6 characters | Add more characters, "TBC [BRAND NAME]" suggested. |
Variation Value is not unique | The variation is used by another product, this may be a symptom of a wider SKU issue. It can also occur if the ParentSKU is being used across multiple styles incorrectly. | Review upload sheet to determine if the incorrect variation has been used and review ParentSKU & SellerSKUs to ensure that ParentSKU changes for each style |
SKU 'XXXX" is already used by another product | The SKU is used by another product, SKUS need to be unique | Remove and add a new SKU |
Sizesystem is not valid | Size system doesn't include the variation size chosen | Remove size system to include all sizes available, raise Seller Help Desk query to have variation added sizesystem |
Care Label is more than 255 characters | cannot be more than 255 characters for this field | Condense care label content to below 255 characters |
[Attribute] is not applicable to Footwear/accessories/Apparel | Attributes are not applicable to product type | Request via Seller Helpdesk for attribute to be added to the product type |
**Field** cannot be empty | Mandatory field | Look at the options tab to see what needs to be filled in there |
Sizesystembrand, CompositionMaterial, Measurements, AssociatedSkus is/are not applicable to Accessories | These fields cannot be filled in for accessories | Remove columns that are causing error and re-upload |
Brand 'xxx' is not registered on Seller Center. | The brand is not registered in THE ICONIC back end system | Request via Seller Helpdesk for a brand to be added |
Field 'xxx' with the value 'xxx' does not appear to be a valid option. | The value provided does not match available options in the system | Look at the options tab to see what can be filled in for the relevant field |
Warning | Meaning | Fix |
Changes to Field 'price' have been applied to all product variations. | Warning - system auto-fixes the issue | N/A |