In this section the following topics are discussed:
- Downloading a template
- Uploading your File
- Monitoring Import Result
- Updates to other SKU Attributes
The purpose of the bulk product updates are to allow changes to products in bulk. This method of bulk updating typically requires you to download a template, update changes in excel, save and import back to the system. The following guide has been provided to assist with the type of bulk updates you can make in the Seller Center.
Downloading Template:
To retrieve a template, head to import and select from categories in the drop down menu, and download your desired template.
The template will download to file manager and can be opened from the pop up at the bottom right hand side of the page.
You can also find a history of your downloaded files in Systems > File Manager in the Home Page options and open your downloaded templates from here.
Stock Updates (All SKUs) - this will export all the products with a column to input stock levels.
Stock Updates (Active SKUs) - this will export just the Active on-site products with a column to input stock levels.
Price Updates (All SKUs) - this will export all the products with a column to input pricing.
Price Updates (Active SKUs) - this will export just the Active on-site products with a column to input pricing information.
Status Updates (All SKUs) - this will export all the products with a column to change the status of the product. The status can either be Active or Inactive.
Status Update (Active SKUs) - this will export just the products with a column to change the status of the product. The status can either be Active or Inactive.
Product Removal - this will export all the Seller SKUs, only keep the Seller SKUs to be removed.
Image Updates - this will export all the products with a field to remove/input the images. The images are to be input as an HTML link.
Uploading your File:
Once you have completed and saved your file, simply re-upload it back into the system. When in the import product drop down ensures you are selecting from the changes you are creating.
Update Products - Upload files with this mode to only update existing products.
Update Products Stock - Upload files in this mode to only update product stock.
Update Products Images - Upload files with this mode to only update images for existing products.
Remove Product - Upload files with this mode to completely remove them from your Product Overview. Removed products will sit under the Inactive > Deleted Products section.
Monitoring Import Result :
Successful - The file has successfully uploaded
Successful with warnings - The file has uploaded, however, the system has fixed some issues for you. This is what the warnings mean.
Unsuccessful - The file has not been successfully uploaded. You can download the error report to see the issues. Please be mindful, if you upload 20 products, 17 may successfully upload, and 3 could fail. You would still get the unsuccessful status, however, it will say how many products failed in the adjacent tab.
Updates to other SKU Attributes
In order to bulk update other attributes, an export of all the product data can be retrieved from the Catalog page
Once exported, the file will be downloadable at the bottom of the page.
To make a bulk update to SKU's based on their attributes chosen in Product Creation, all you will need is the Seller SKU Column and the column you wish to change. Please see the scenario below.
If we want to change the colour group of our product to pink_purple, the following file can be uploaded.
Please be mindful that it is not possible to make amendments to the SellerSku within your instance, but this can be completed at and admin level. If needing to please reach out to the Seller Help Desk and we can provide a template and upload this for you.
Deleting products in bulk
To delete items in bulk a list of SellerSkus is required and can be uploaded into Seller Center through the below steps
1. Prepare a file with the list of SellerSkus (only the SellerSku) column is required. exports can be retrieved following the steps above.
2. Navigate to Catalog>all products> import> Import Mode: remove product > drag and drop the file > select Import
Note: we recommend saving the removal file as a csv, this will ensure that it loads correctly without formatting issues.