How to process your Rejected SKUs?
So, your SKUs aren’t quite ready to go live yet? No worries, we’re here to help. Please ensure you are checking the QC status on your catalog product page
QC Status's
Pending - Due for review Production and QC timeline
Rejected - Follow steps below to amend and resubmit
Approved - If products have been approved but still not visible please ensure stock is applied Product Visibility criteria is checked
Our QC team works within a 24-hour timeframe. Your SKUs will be reviewed in line with THE ICONIC's guidelines within 24 hours of their submission to QC (excluding weekends & NSW public holidays and in the lead-up to promotional periods). To ensure fairness across all sellers, we work from oldest to newest. We recommend submitting SKUs at a minimum of 24 hours prior to when you would like the SKUs to go live.
It is possible to check which items are currently in the queue for review through Products>Inactive>Quality approval pending or this link
Rejection Reasons
Please see the link here to the list of Rejection Reasons.
- In this document, search your Rejection Reason Number by using CTRL+F on your keyboard
- Searching the number listed next to your rejection reason (eg. 1a, 2b, 3c). Alternatively, you can scroll through the page to the Area and Rejection Reason that matches the Rejection Reason on your SKUs.
- Refer to Column 3, ‘Seller Action Required’ to see what you need to amend in your SKU to have it approved.
- Make the changes as advised in the ‘Seller Action Required’ column and resubmit the item for QC review (by successfully uploading your CSV file or by clicking ‘submit)
- If you need further guidance please reach out to support via the help desk
FBI Store product rejection:
Cannot be synced to shop (Rejected By Shop),
- Barcode EAN is empty
Seller action required: Barcodes are a mandatory requirement for products in an FBI store. If barcodes have already been entered please select 'Finish edit' or submit to sync the product *This may push the product back to QC for review. Please flag with the help desk to push through
- Barcode EAN already exists
Seller action required: Please raise a help desk ticket, this will be interfering with a barcode in the system that has been registered against a wholesale product OR has already been used on a product in the store. First, please check the barcode has not been added to another product by searching your store. If it does not exist please reach out to either your category manager or the help desk for THE ICONIC to action in the back end.
- Category combination invalid
Seller action required: This rejection reason refers to the 'Back end data' section in product set up. The category selection this is related to is the Buying Category and Sub Category. These selections will need to be mapped to a valid combination using the mapping guides (examples below)
For example: to map a top we would use
Buying Category; Fashion Tops
Sub Category; basic tops
>Select save
> Wait for QC review process, after QC approval the product should sync successfully.
Please reach out to the help desk for further guidance if you are having a product continually rejected or require more mapping guides.
NEW User interface:
- The catalog can be filtered by 'rejected' SKU status or you will be able to view the rejection reason and if a comment has been made
Old User interface:
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