When creating products within Seller Center an error report is provided after the file has been processed. This file can be found in the import history of Products>Import Products:
The error report is available for download and error messages will display in the first column of the report, the error cells will also be highlighted within the document.
Error |
Meaning | Fix |
The description needs to be more than 6 Characters | The description field cannot be blank, if providing dummy information it will need to be greater than 6 characters | Add more characters, "TBC [BRAND NAME]" suggested. |
Variation Value is not unique | The variation is used by another product, this may be a symptom of a wider SKU issue. It can also occur if the ParentSKU is being used across multiple styles incorrectly. |
Review upload sheet to determine if the incorrect variation has been used and review ParentSKU & SellerSKUs to ensure that ParentSKU changes for each style
SKU 'XXXX" is already used by another product | The SKU is used by another product, SKUS need to be unique | Remove and add a new SKU |
Sizesystem is not valid | Size system doesn't include the variation size chosen |
Remove size system to include all sizes available, raise Seller Help Desk query to have variation added sizesystem
Care Label is more than 255 characters | cannot be more than 255 characters for this field | Condense care label content to below 255 characters |
[Attribute] is not applicable to Footwear/accessories/Apparel | Attributes are not applicable to product type |
Request via Seller Helpdesk for attribute to be added to the product type
**Field** cannot be empty | Mandatory field | Look at the options tab to see what needs to be filled in there |
Sizesystembrand, CompositionMaterial, Measurements, AssociatedSkus is/are not applicable to Accessories | These fields cannot be filled in for accessories | Remove columns that are causing error and re-upload |
Brand 'xxx' is not registered on Seller Center. | The brand is not registered in THE ICONIC back end system | Request via Seller Helpdesk for a brand to be added |
Field 'xxx' with the value 'xxx' does not appear to be a valid option. | The value provided does not match available options in the system |
Look at the options tab to see what can be filled in for the relevant field
Warning | Meaning | Fix |
Changes to Field 'price' have been applied to all product variations. | Warning - system auto-fixes the issue | N/A |