Size Refill is a functionality on THE ICONIC marketplace, that enables Sellers who are live on the Wholesale (WS) and Marketplace (MP) model to link their products. When connected, this will enable the Marketplace stock to be visible and shoppable when the Wholesale items are sold out.
A configuration needs to be set up on THE ICONIC side to ensure that any products that need to be linked can be, for this to be enabled, please reach out to your category buyer for review.
The functionality works by matching the following information between the WS & MP products:
- Brand Name
Once the product is linked and available to the customer, the following is a sample of how the size dropdown should look. Stating clearly to the customer that the size is supplied by the Marketplace partner.
Product creation for Size Refill items is the same as all other MP items and should have correct product description and imagery. This will ensure that if the wholesale item is not yet created the marketplace product can be. Once the WS item is created it will be linked and the Wholesale imagery and content will take over.
Finding Size Refill items in Seller Center
It is possible to see Size Refill items in the product overview, follow the below steps
1. Navigate to all products
2. In the search bar search "Size Refill Product"
3. Select > Size Refill Product under tags
This will provide you with all the current-size refill items within the store. This tag is managed on THE ICONIC side and will be uploaded once the product merge has occurred correctly on the back end.