In this article we cover the changes made to the Home page and its new functionality. It will outline the following topics:
- Home
The new Seller Center user interface has been developed to provide a seamless experience for its users, moving away from the traditional grid format to a new dynamic page providing a better experience on all screen sizes and greater optimisation for mobile devices. The promotional activity cards will appear on the side panel and be available for easy navigation.
The home page is broken up into 4 key areas: Today / Required Actions / Sales Reporting / Messages
Today |
provides insight into overall orders, sales, and live products on-site for the current day |
Required Actions |
Pending Orders | Orders pending to be processed |
Rejected Products | Items reviewed by QC and need amendments |
Approved | products approved all time (active + inactive) |
Pending Products | Items in QC awaiting review |
Sales Reporting |
a snapshot of sales reports is provided comparing revenue and units sold for the previous 7 days |
Messages | provide a summary of Seller Help Desk ticket updates |