Imagery can be uploaded in a couple of different ways in Seller Center, it can be completed through the individual product. Additionally, there is a mass import available through the Product>Manage Images tab.
Using this method there are 2 ways that images can be uploaded to the products:
- Drag & Drop
- Mass Import
Drag & Drop
1) Navigate to manage images
2) Filter for a product that needs imagery or click-through pages till it is found
3) Select images from a folder on your computer and drag them onto the "drop images here"
4) As long as they are 1600x2000 and <1.95mb they will upload.
5) Once uploaded they will appear on the product and the order can be changed by dragging them into the order required, the first image onsite will have a grey border.
Mass Import
In order for imagery to be imported in mass, it does require the image file names to be in a specific naming convention, outlined below:
Naming Convention | Definition |
ShopSKU_ImagePosition |
SellerSKU_ImagePosition | Sellersku including size_1/2/3/4 |
ConfigSKU_ImagePosition | ICONIC CONFIG SKU_1/2/3/4 |
ParentSKU_Image Position | ParentSkuValue_1/2/3/4 |
1) Navigate to manage images
2) Select Mass Import
3) Select the relevant naming convention in which the imagery is named in.
4) Navigate to the folder with the imagery
5) Drag the folder or relevant imagery files into the Drop images here box
6) If successful - the imagery will start to be uploaded
7) If unsuccessful an error will appear, likely in regard to the naming convention.