Front-end categories are the categories and sub-categories that our customers use to navigate through THE ICONIC’s vast catalog of products. It is very important that the categories that are selected when you are creating your products fit within THE ICONIC’s category guidelines so that we can make sure your items have optimised visibility on site.
When it comes to categories, it is not a case of ‘more is more, but rather a case of making sure that every category you put your product in is the perfect place for it. Adding your products to excessive categories may result in your products oversaturating the categories by appearing in filters that are not applicable, causing customer frustration and result in lower sales, and higher returns.
The criteria for each category on THE ICONIC are drawn from extensive customer research and feedback and are dictated yearly by THE ICONIC’s planning and buying teams.
The front-end categories field in Seller Center can be found within each SKU on the first page, underneath the brand name and product name fields. This field operates like a category ‘tree’ offering category and sub-category options tailored to your selection.
When selecting your categories, you can select one ‘Primary Category’ and up to three ‘additional categories’. Please note, when the items pass through our system and go live on-site, there is no difference between the ‘primary’ and ‘additional’ categories as they are all treated equally.
The categories can be broken up into:
- Women’s Apparel
- Men’s Apparel
- Sports
- Women’s Footwear
- Men’s Footwear
- Accessories,
- Gifting and Kids
- Beauty
- Home
Please refer to the relevant page of these guidelines for detailed information regarding the categories within each of those attributes.
If you have any queries regarding the category placement of your item, please do reach out to THE ICONIC’s QC team via Seller Center Helpdesk